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Hanmi’s red H logo is our promise to our customers
Did you know that Hanmi Bank’s red ‘H’ logo depicts a bridge?
Introduced during our 2016 rebranding, Hanmi Bank’s current logo embodies the role Hanmi values in your journey to success. We are the bridge that each customer crosses in growth and achievement, a bridge that connects businesses with consumers, and a bridge that delivers resources to the community. This is our promise; we commit to partnership with you and dedicate ourselves to what matters most in your life.
Evolution of the Hanmi logo reflects the changing needs of our customers. The original logo is based on the first letter of Hanmi’s Korean consonant. It resembles a pot where customers can safely deposit money and build wealth with Hanmi. The new logo is our promise to be your trusted partner that supports your financial growth and success beyond providing basic banking service, while in partnership with the communities we serve.
As a bridge to your success, you can bank on your dream with us.

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가까운 한미은행 지점에 방문하세요
계신 곳에서 가까운 한미은행 지점과 ATM의 주소, 전화번호와 영업시간을 안내해 드립니다. 고객분들을 언제나 웃음으로 맞이하겠습니다.